ergy source reached 132 and 178 mL/g, respectively (Fig. 1a). Low H2 production was observed in the fermentations with cellulose, either by LE37 and LE58, which
reflects a rather low cellulolytic capability of both cultures. In order
to verify if the fermentative behaviour of the tested substrates by
the cultures LE37 and LE58 was statistically different, the raw data
were analysed through an unpaired t-test. In the fermentations
with glucose, fructose, sucrose, starch and cellulose, a t-value consistently higher than the defined alpha (t > 0.05) indicates that the
behaviour of the cultures was not significantly different
ergy source reached 132 and 178 mL/g, respectively (Fig. 1a). Low H2 production was observed in the fermentations with cellulose, either by LE37 and LE58, whichreflects a rather low cellulolytic capability of both cultures. In orderto verify if the fermentative behaviour of the tested substrates bythe cultures LE37 and LE58 was statistically different, the raw datawere analysed through an unpaired t-test. In the fermentationswith glucose, fructose, sucrose, starch and cellulose, a t-value consistently higher than the defined alpha (t > 0.05) indicates that thebehaviour of the cultures was not significantly different
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