Yes, but here is the really interesting in part of the story. When I had first laid out this challenge to the employees, one gentleman lingered behind. He said, ‘‘Jim, when you talked about drawing inspiration from the smallest not the largest and you used New Zealand as an example, I thought it was fabulous. I’m from New Zealand. And, when you used rugby as an example of being the best and being the toughest, you really peaked my interest because I used to play rugby for the All New Zealand University Team. And, when you talked about the Maori people, I was downright tingly because I’m Maori. And then when you laid out the Haka challenge, I was astounded because I used to teach the Haka in New Zealand. Would you like me to be your coach?’’ Now, I never would have thought that I was going to find a Haka coach that worked in our company in Scottsdale, Arizona, but there he was. All I needed to do was ask. I have found that when I ask others to genuinely help us become outrageously, positively deviant, you never know where help will come from, but it always comes.