A mixture of cereal straw and cotton waste (2 m × 1 m × 1 m
fully wetted prior to fermentation. The pile was turned
time the temperature at a depth of 10 cm reached 55
C, and
pH was regulated to ∼8.0 with lime. After uniformly mixing,
compost was spread over the cultivation beds to a thickness
approximately 12 cm and the compost temperature was maintained
at 65
fall to ∼38
C for 24 h. The surface temperature was then allowed
C by natural cooling before inoculating with spawn,
which the room temperature was maintained 30–32
C. Water
added to the compost five days after inoculation, primordia
2–3 days later, and harvesting commenced after a further
4–5 days. Each cross-bred strain was cultivated in triplicate,
cultivation data was subjected to statistical analysis using SAS
A mixture of cereal straw and cotton waste (2 m × 1 m × 1 mvolume) fully wetted prior to fermentation. The pile was turnedeach time the temperature at a depth of 10 cm reached 55C, andthe pH was regulated to ∼8.0 with lime. After uniformly mixing,the compost was spread over the cultivation beds to a thicknessapproximately 12 cm and the compost temperature was maintainedat 65fall to ∼38◦C for 24 h. The surface temperature was then allowedC by natural cooling before inoculating with spawn,after which the room temperature was maintained 30–32◦C. Waterwas added to the compost five days after inoculation, primordiaappeared 2–3 days later, and harvesting commenced after a further4–5 days. Each cross-bred strain was cultivated in triplicate,and cultivation data was subjected to statistical analysis using SASsoftware.◦◦
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