There are several reasons why PV solar power is such an attractive energy source. Solar panels, which are typically guaranteed to perform for as long as 25 years, produce electricity without pollution or emissions that can contribute to global warming. Furthermore, PV solar produces electricity at the same time as peak energy demand occurs in most markets: during the daytime.
There are many solar power advantages worth noting. Solar power helps to slow/stop global warming. Solar power saves society billions or trillions of dollars. Solar power saves you money. Putting solar PV panels on your roof is likely to save you tens of thousands of dollars. Solar power provides energy reliability. Solar power provides energy security. Solar power provides energy independence. Solar power creates jobs. : So, there are 7 big solar power advantages that you should remember and share.
Solar power disadvantages are actually not so plentiful. That disadvantage is that the sun doesn’t shine 24 hours a day. , we couldn’t be 100% powered by solar panels. Firstly, the sun actually does shine when we need electricity most. . Society more or less wakes up when the sun rises. solar power could theoretically supply the world with all of its electricity needs. So, those are the solar power advantages and disadvantages that I think are most notable.