ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCY: 1. A government organization set up to implement a law. 2. Any
civilian government body (board, bureau, department, or individual), other than a court or
legislature, that deals with the rights of private parties by adjudication, rule making, investigation,
prosecuting, and so on.
ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS OF TAXATION: Costs related to administering the tax system.
ADMINISTRATIVE DISCRETION: The ability of individual administrators in a bureaucracy to
make significant choices affecting management and operation of programs for which they are
responsible; particularly evident in separation-of-powers systems.
ADMINISTRATIVE DUE PROCESS: Term encompassing a number of points in administrative
law that require that the administrative procedures of government agencies and regulatory
commissions, as they affect private parties, be based upon written guidelines that safeguard
individual rights and protect against the arbitrary or inequitable exercise of government authority.
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW: 1. That branch of law concerned with the procedures by which
administrative agencies make rules and adjudicate cases; the conditions under which these actions
can be reviewed by courts. 2. The legislation that creates administrative agencies. 3. The rules and