frankel et al
Box 1. Contraindications to participation in an exercise program
Unstable angina or severe left main coronary disease
End-stage congestive heart failure
Severe valvular heart disease
Malignant or unstable arrythmias
Elevated resting blood pressure (ie, systolic N200 mm Hg,
diastolic N110 mm Hg)
Large or expanding aortic aneurysm
Known cerebral aneurysm or recent intracranial bleed
Uncontrolled or end-stage systemic disease
Acute retinal hemorrhage or recent ophthalmologic surgery
Acute or unstable musculoskeletal injury
Severe dementia or behavioral disturbance
From Bean JF, Vora A, Frontera WR. Benefits of exercise for
community-dwelling older adults. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2004;
85(Suppl 3):S33; with permission.
244 frank
appears to be true for even a once-weekly program. Where compliance or transportation
to the therapy setting is at issue, this may be the most effective starting
point [39]. Ultimately, the patient should be able to perform all exercise without
Although PRT is known to improve strength, the major controversy regarding
it is whether it is the most effective means of improving muscle power and
mobility skills. Declining muscle power is well documented in older adults and
has also been more strongly associated with declines in functional performance
than declines in strength. High-velocity training has been shown to improve
power [40], and comparison between this and PRT alone is in the earliest stages.
Another option to improve function may be to add task-specific exercises to
PRT. These exercises simulate daily functional tasks to the greatest extent possible
and are associated with functional gains [5].
Some further precautions are advised. In patients who have known severe
cardiovascular or pulmonary disease, initial supervision by a physical therapist or
nurse may be warranted, using blood pressure, pulse, and saturation by pulse
oximetry (SpO2) monitoring. Patients who have knee pain from severe OA may
benefit from strength training, but weight-bearing exercises may worsen symptoms
where knee malalignment and ligamentous laxity are evident [41]. Non–
weight-bearing exercises or water-based programs may be a better initial prescription
for these patients [42]. Patients with impairments such as cerebrovascular
accident or multiple sclerosis, which affect muscles and motor neurons,
may experience easier fatigue in these distributions. Strengthening is still beneficial
to these patients but may need to be introduced and advanced more slowly.