Identifying landscapes suitable for multiple wind farms
6. One of the potential consequences of considerable wind farm development across Scotland could be that few landscapes might be left unaffected by wind farms. This would diminish the diversity which is one of the key characteristics of the Scottish landscape. Good strategic planning can help to avoid this by ensuring that wind farms are sited within those areas best able to accommodate them. It should also mean that areas less suitable for such development, or more valued for the present character or qualities of the landscape, can be kept free of wind farm impacts. Views of wind farms from within these areas may also be affected, and will therefore require careful consideration. This has been shown by some planning exercises3.
7. Landscape capacity studies can help to inform and identify where development would be preferable in landscape terms. They can be particularly helpful when spatial frameworks are being developed.
8. As the landscape and visual impacts of wind farm development can extend over a wide area and across Planning Authority boundaries, it is important to consider the current pattern of development in a regional and national context. SNH has developed a wind farm footprint map4 which identifies the location and size of most of the wind farms which are already installed, approved or being considered. The map demonstrates that wind farm development is currently clustered in those areas which are generally of lower constraint (in natural heritage terms) and with access to the national grid. Further development activity is likely to continue to focus on those areas with good access to the grid and close to areas of existing development or land use change. This has led to a pattern of ‘clustering’ of wind farms which crosses Planning Authority boundaries and which reflects the range of constraints on wind farm development. In considering which areas are suitable for further wind farm development this existing pattern of development must form a key consideration.