4. Work on increasing reading rate. One great difficulty in the second language reading classroom is that even when language learners can read, much of their reading is not fluent. Often, in our efforts to assist students in increasing their reading rate, teachers over emphasize accuracy which impedes fluency. The teacher must work towards finding a balance between assisting students to improve their reading rate and developing reading comprehension skills. It is very important to understand that the focus is not to develop speed readers, but fluent readers. I define a fluent reader as one who reads at a rate of 200 words per-minute with at least 70 percent comprehension One focus here is to teach readers to reduce their dependence on a dictionary. Skills such as scanning, skimming, predicting, and identifying main ideas get students to approach reading in different ways. Readers should spend more time analyzing and synthesizing the content of the reading, and not focusing on moving through the passage one word at a time. Part of the y of reading is being able to pick up a book and comprehend it, without having to struggle through the task of reading.