• Endorsing the concept of human security as the key challenge for the 21 st century. • Calling on people to make their full contribution to global human security and to bind together in solidarity.
• Requesting national governments in rich and poor countries to adopt policy measures for human security. They should ensure that all people have the basic capabilities and opportunities, especially in access to assets and to productive and remunerative work. They should also ensure that people enjoy basic human rights and have political choices.
• Recommending that all countries fully cooperate in this endeavour-regionally and globally. To this end, a new framework of international cooperation for development should be devised, taking into account the indivisibility of global human security that no one is secure as long as someone is insecure anywhere
• Requesting that the United Nations step up its efforts in preventive diplomacy and recognizing that the reasons for conflict and war today are often rooted in poverty, social injustice and environmental degradation and back these efforts up through preventive development initiatives.