Step 16
In Vertex selection mode, arrange the vertices properly to align with the mirrored mesh.
Step 17
Press the A key to select all the vertices.
Step 18
Jump into the Left view by pressing Control-3 on the Numpad.
Step 19
To see two (or more) view panels at the same time, click and drag on the Split View Panel button as shown in the image below. Change the split viewport to Front by going to the View > Front command or by pressing 1 on the Numpad.
Step 20
Now, select the two corner vertices and move them back according to the side reference image to make the eye outline a rounded shape.
Step 21
With the upper and lower pairs of vertices selected, arrange them according to the rounded shape of the eye shown on the reference image.
Step 22
Just like this, arrange the nose vertices in both the front and left view panels according to the reference images.
Step 23
Press the 5 key on the Numpad to jump into the Perspective view to check the mesh.You can also change from wireframe mode to Shaded mode, by pressing the Display Method Mode button at the bottom of the screen.