It is perhaps Gardner and his associates who have devoted the greatest attention
to the topic of motivation (e. g. Gardner and Lambert, 1972; Gardner, 1985; Tremblay
and Gardner, 1995) and who provide the most notable amount of information as regards
the interaction of the multiple variables which incide on the process of motivation.
Departing from the afore-mentioned model, Gardner has demonstrated the connection
between certain variables which interact daily in the language classroom (Gardner, 1985:
157-160). For instance, between:
It is perhaps Gardner and his associates who have devoted the greatest attentionto the topic of motivation (e. g. Gardner and Lambert, 1972; Gardner, 1985; Tremblayand Gardner, 1995) and who provide the most notable amount of information as regardsthe interaction of the multiple variables which incide on the process of motivation.Departing from the afore-mentioned model, Gardner has demonstrated the connectionbetween certain variables which interact daily in the language classroom (Gardner, 1985:157-160). For instance, between:
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