In 2013, the tourist accommodation statistics comprised,
on annual average, 4662 open1
hotels and health establishments
in Switzerland, corresponding to 128,648 rooms
and 246,489 beds available2
(G2.1.1a). The distribution
of the establishments differs according to the tourist
regions. Graubünden has the largest proportion (13.8%),
followed by Valais (12.3%) and Eastern Switzerland
(11.5%). In contrast, the smallest proportion of establishments
is to be found in the Fribourg region and Geneva
(2.6% for each region). The national average capacity of
a hotel establishment was 53 available beds (G2.1.1b).
However, Geneva had 126 beds per establishment which
is by far the highest number in Switzerland. This was followed
by the region of Zurich (73 beds) and Graubünden
(61 beds). The lowest number was in the Jura & ThreeLakes
Region (30 beds).