Artificial insemination techniques have been used
recently in NHP to manage captive colonies and propagate
endangered or valuable founder animals [25]. Conception
rates of the VW, EE, and CE methods are reportedly 100%,
16.7%, and 33.3%, respectively [14–16]. In contrast, our
conception rate using the PVS–SU methodwas 57.1%, which
was higher than that of EE and CE but lower than that of
VW. Thus, the VW method seems to be the most efficient in
marmosets but requires successful copulation for ejaculated
semen to be collected from the vagina. Kuederling
et al. [3] reported that copulations were not observed in 66
(42.3%) of 156 pairs because of either a lack of sexual
interest or incompatibility between the partners [3].
Moreover, hand-reared males have difficulty exhibiting
functional copulatory behavior [6]. Therefore, the VW
method could not be applied to all males. The PVS–SU
method is applicable not only to males with some
dysfunction but also to hand-reared and virgin males