The minimum number of assessors needed for the test was
determined from Table A1.1 in ASTM E 1885-97. To be >95% certain
(b ¼ 0.05 and a ¼ 0.05) that no more than 50% (pd ¼ 50%) of consumers
would be able to detect a difference if ListShield™ was
applied to RTE foods, the number of assessors necessary is n ¼ 23. In
order to cover the assessors in a balanced random order with each
of the possible triads, 24 assessors were used. Thus, six assessors (3
male and 3 female) evaluated four RTE food products to make up
the 24 respondents. The assessors ranged from 24 to 65 years of age
and none had prior sensory testing experience. All assessors read
and signed the Informed Consent forms