Medical History Information
On 04 DEC 2014 you provided the following medical history information to DIBP online. Your panel physician will discuss this
information with you as part of the medical examination process and provide any additional information to DIBP if required.
Have you ever been diagnosed with Tuberculosis (TB)? Have you ever had to take
treatment for Tuberculosis (TB)?
Have you ever been in close contact at work or at home with a person known to
have Tuberculosis (TB)?
Have you ever been admitted to hospital and/or received medical treatment for an
extended period for any reason (including for a major operation or treatment of a
psychiatric illness)?
Do you suffer, or have you ever suffered, from mental health problems? No
Have you ever been told you are HIV positive? No
Do you have, or have you ever had, hepatitis, problems with your liver or yellowing
of the skin?
Do you have or have you had cancer in the last 5 years? No
Do you have high blood sugar / diabetes? No
Do you have heart problems, including high blood pressure or a heart condition that
you were born with?
Do you have a blood condition? No
Do you have bladder or kidney problems? No
Do you have a physical or intellectual disability that make it difficult for you to
function independently (for example, to move around or learn) or work full-time?
Do you need to take drugs or drink alcohol regularly? No
Are you taking any prescribed pills or medication (excluding oral contraceptives,
over-the counter medication and natural supplements)? If yes, please list these.