2.4. Parameters measured and chemical analyses
Growth (relative growth rate of metabolic weight: RGRm, daily weight gain: DWG),
feed utilization parameters (feed conversion ratio: FCR, protein efficiency ratio: PER) and
survival (%) were calculated for each treatment and both culture systems.
Chemical analyses of CoP, diets and fish were done by standard procedures. Caffeine
was determined according to Morris (1973). Polyphenols and tannins were extracted from
CoP and diet samples with a methanol/water solution (70% v/v) by reflux for 2 h at boiling
temperature, and their concentration were determined using the Folin–Ciocalteu reagent
according to Slinkard and Singleton (1977) and AOAC (1990), respectively. Total
utilizable carbohydrate was measured by the Anthrone method (Osborne and Voogt,
1986). To determine true protein levels in CoP, samples were boiled in water to dissolve
2.4. Parameters measured and chemical analysesGrowth (relative growth rate of metabolic weight: RGRm, daily weight gain: DWG),feed utilization parameters (feed conversion ratio: FCR, protein efficiency ratio: PER) andsurvival (%) were calculated for each treatment and both culture systems.Chemical analyses of CoP, diets and fish were done by standard procedures. Caffeinewas determined according to Morris (1973). Polyphenols and tannins were extracted fromCoP and diet samples with a methanol/water solution (70% v/v) by reflux for 2 h at boilingtemperature, and their concentration were determined using the Folin–Ciocalteu reagentaccording to Slinkard and Singleton (1977) and AOAC (1990), respectively. Totalutilizable carbohydrate was measured by the Anthrone method (Osborne and Voogt,1986). To determine true protein levels in CoP, samples were boiled in water to dissolve
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