To date, three theories have been established to describe the mysterious phenomenon. The first one subscribes to the traditional belief that the fireballs are created by the naga, a mythical serpent-like deity who is also a water symbol. Often a multi-headed creature, one Buddhist legend describes a seven-headed Naga which spread its cobra-like hoods to shelter the meditating Buddha. The second theory states that they are a perfectly natural occurrence caused by the fermentation fo organic sediment on the riverbed. The last one claims thet thefireballs are just man-made and this draws a strong protest from local residents who have demanded an apology and have warned sceptics that if they do not believe in it, they should not insult what they do not nuderstand or, as we say in thai, “Mai chua, yaa lob luu”.
Though there is no definite conclusion as to which theory iscorrecl or more convincing than the others, some have made the odservation that it was unlikely to be man-made since it takes place only once in a year in Nongkhai province and of the full moon of the 11 lunar month which coincides with the end of the buddhist Rains-Retreat. Above all, the phenomenon has bees viewed by a hundred of thousands of enthusi astic spectato/rs as if intending to expose iys miracle. In dact the event is viewed by the local residents as an or dinary occurrence since they have seen it from childhood till old age . it gained wide publicity just a few years ago. Formerly, it was called “the ghost fireballs” but later it was decided to cchange the name to “the naga fireball” which is more appropriate bacause it is associated with buddhist and naga is a holy creature in buddhist legend. That is why we cell the person who is going to enter the monkhood a “naga” or “nark” in thai as naga is a pali word. Actually, it is pointless to debate whether the event is man-made or created by the naga, since it is age-old tradition that has been preserved by our forefather and above all, it brings no ham to anyone. Our duty is to carry on this tradition belief so our generation will appreciate the beauty of the mysterious fireballs rising into the sky durin g the night of the fullmoon. In addition, it will remind us that event a creature such as the naga still perfroms the duty of a good buddhist and why should we, human beings, be critical?