Ben : What are you going to do after you finish high school?
Ron : I'm going to join a circus. I'm fascinated by circus life.
Ben : You're kidding!
Ron : No, I'm serious. I'm taking a course in entertainment. They teach you all kinds of stuff: acrobatics, how to perform tricks, how to be a clown.
Ben : That sounds interesting. Do you get a chance to perform during the course?
Ron : Yeah. We entertain kids in hospitals and places like that. There,s no greater feeling in life than making people laugh.
Ben : I wish I knew what to do when I finish school.
Ron : Why don't you become a journalist? You have always been interested in writing, and you've worked on the school newspaper.
Ben : I'd rather help people and do something that makes a difference. In fact, I was reading an article recently about these volunteer doctors who travel to areas of conflict to help save lives.
Ron : You could also help people by writing articles in the press and making their problems known to the world.
Ben : Well, yes, that's true.