Casu Marzu is a Pecorino Sardo remix that’ll have your stomach grooving for days. A hard sheep milk cheese, Pecorino is a sort-of buttery Parmesan with a dash of chestnut. Snazzy as that may sound, yummy Pec is just the humble starting block for heinous maggot cheese crimes. We will never know whether the historical first batch was an accident or a prank played on the nerdy shepherd next door, but legend has it that someone creepin around a cheese wheel noticed that Piophila casei (cheese flies) had laid eggs in the loaf. While maggots writhing in pre-pubescent fly angst would seem a deterrent, whoever encountered the sagging, spongy mass was either too drunk or too hungry to care and decided their mouth (and not the dumpster) would be the appropriate disposal receptacle. Surprisingly, maggot-loving-cheese dude actually started a trend. Consumption of this rotten mess skyrocketed, governments everywhere stamped it illegal (only because it's deadly sometimes, that's all) and people (like this weirdo) were getting arrested for cheese smuggling.