Results and Discussion
Separation Statistics of Enantiomers of Carboxylic Acid
Derivatives with Polysaccharide‑Based CSPs Under Polar
Organic Mobile Phase Conditions
The results of enantioseparation experiments of 14 carboxylic
acid derivatives on six different polysaccharidebased
chiral columns with three different mobile phases
are shown in Fig. 3. Based on these results and considering
all 14 analytes, 3 eluents and both, baseline and partial
separation of enantiomers the most successful chiral column
was the experimental column based on ADMPC. This
column provided partial or baseline enantioseparation for
13 of 14 chiral analytes cumulatively for all three mobile
phases. Based on their success rates the six columns studied
could be ranked in the following order: ADMPC > Lux
Cellulose-3 > Lux Amylose-2 > Lux Cellulose-1 > Lux Cellulose-
2 = Lux Cellulose-4 (Fig. 3). In fact, the ADMPCbased
column was at least one of the best also when considering
individual mobile phases (Fig. 4). However, in
alcohol-based mobile phases, cellulose ester-type chiral
column, Lux Cellulose-3, exhibited also good success rate
while it was less successful in acetonitrile (ACN) as mobile
phase. It seems also worth mentioning that with this particular
polar organic mobile phase, the amylose-based CSPs
performed better compared to cellulose-based phenylcarbamates.
In general, ACN appeared to be a more useful mobile
phase in combination with the set of chiral columns for the
separation these particular chiral compounds with 28 successful
separations out of 84 possible combinations (14 chiral
analytes × 6 chiral columns) in comparison to ethanol
(EtOH; 25 separations) and methanol (MeOH; 18).