Guided Democracy is the name for the authoritarian political system inaugurated by decree by President Sukarno on 5 July 1959 when he dissolved the elected Constituent assembly and reinstated the independence constitution of 1945. Know in Indonesian as demokrasi Terpimpin, its inauguration marked the final failure of Indonesia to practice parliamentary democracy against a tempestuous background of political and military factionalism, religious and regional dissension and economic decline.Guided Democracy gave rise to a myriad of radical and romantic political symbols which Sukarno wielded to his short-term advantage to the neglect of economic priorities. Although Guided Democracy was represented as an authentically Indonesian alternative to an alien political tradition, it was an intensely competitive system. the Personal dominance of President Sukerno barely masked the bitter contention between the conservative armed forces and the radical Communist Party. Sukarno's political balancing act between the two rivals came to an end after an abortive coup in October 1965 which discredited him and the Communist Party. A military initiative in march 1966 led by Lt-General Suharto which remove Sukerno from effective power and also proscribed the Communist and its replacement by a more constructive developmental authoritarianism.