It can be a fact that social innovation is today a real challenge
it has an importance because innovation is a cornerstone of Europe
2020 Strategy. It is also important to mention that business
also has a role and responsibility in social innovation, as social
innovation can and must come from all sectors. Most of the reviewed
literatures mention that business should be involved in
social innovation for example through corporate social responsibility,
however there is a question: are business organizations
able to be drivers in social innovation through their social responsibility,
exactly by the help of ISO 26000 standard.
The question was answered by examining the relation between
the main theoretical characteristics of social innovation,
like levels, viewpoints and principles and core subjects of social
responsibility. Conclusion of the examination is that there
is a relationship between the principles and core subjects of the
ISO 26000 and social innovation, so principles and core subjects,
and the ISO 26000 is able to inspire, promote social innovation.
However there are principles and core subjects which
have greater importance than others. The ‘respect for human
rights’ has the greatest importance between the principles, but
the ‘ethical behaviour’ and ‘respect for international norms of
behaviour’ are also has great importance. Between the core subjects
‘human rights’, and ‘community involvement and development’
have the greatest importance, and these are followed
by ‘labour practices’. At least final conclusion of examination
is that the use of ISO 26000 results social innovation by organization,
however there is a note that according to the standard
instead of society, stakeholders should be emphasised, and in a
closer sense employees should be emphasised during integrating