A supplementation of 10% v/v seminal
plasma or 50% v/v seminal plasma to the thawing
media has been shown to improve the FT sperm
motility, viability and pregnancy rate (Garcia et al.,
2009; Okazaki et al., 2009). However, Abad et al.
(2007) found that 10% v/v seminal plasma
supplementation for conventional AI with FT boar
semen failed to improve both litter size and farrowing
rate in multiparous sows. Therefore, studies on the FT
semen qualities in relation to the seminal plasma
supplementation still need further investigation.
The objectives of the present study were to
investigate the influence of four different commercial
extenders used during the holding time on the FT
boar semen quality and to determine the FT semen
quality after using seminal plasma as a thawing