The current paper aims to improve the quality of ethics-related IS research by discussing some of the main and recurring issues. Such guidance is much-needed, in particular because many IS scholars who have an interest in ethics have only limited knowledge of the extensive literature on ethics as moral philosophy. At the same time such work can raise considerable problems in its own right. Among them there are ethical issues arising from potential regulations on research on ethics. The current paper is constructed as a set of questions, rather than an algorithmic piece of advice. Each of these questions requires careful deliberation and explicit reasoning. Most of them are of relevance for research not concerned with ethics but the concept of ethics raises particular angles. Not all of the questions will have to be answered expressly in each piece of research as the answer will in many cases be implicit. This implicit nature on the view of some of these questions can be problematic, however, and I argue that in most cases research will benefit from explicit attention to these questions.