The study found that the merchants are satisfied with the participation in the management of sustainable tourism.
Because the satisfaction of the needs of these merchants have been met by the
advantages of Wang-lang market. They like the comfort and the speed when they travel from
their residences to product sources and markets. Similar to transporting goods from the
product sources to the market is also more convenient. Furthermore, the merchants
expect to own a car on order to develop and upgrade their career to gain more incomes.
They also expect that the expenses after attending the government’s project would cost
less when compare with the incomes and profits that they earns. After examining all
these data, the results of the study show that the expectation of merchants are
satisfying and fulfilled by the participation in the management of sustainable tourism. However, this study did
not measure the ability to pay by installments and the debts. So, it is impossible to
know whether the Wang-lang market was purchased is sustainable or not. But it can be determined
indirectly by measuring the satisfaction of merchants. They are still satisfied even
though the project has been completed almost nearly 2 years (the policy finished on
December, 2011 and the questionnaires were handed out on August, 2014). Moreover,
the result shows that most of the Wang-lang market are not confiscated by bank. The
merchants are also satisfied with their increased incomes. The number of incomes is
enough for them to afford the installment without any difficulties and problems.