For these 23 partner that you want to move to Retail MFTs, 14 of them are Commercial or Supplies-only RTM in Q1 so can only change the RTM to Retail in Q3 (Not confirm yet, but will try)
What I can help now is move only the 9 nMFT (Red hi-light one) to Retail MFTs in Q2.
APJ guideline for MFT is minimum performance of U$40k for the last 4 qtrs. For those who not meet the criteria target, will automatically move to nMFT
I try my best to give the business justification why the below partner should be a MFT though the past performance is less than $40k as below
1) New partner that Retail is trying to develop and grow in GeoX
2) Upcoming ongoing deals that the partners is working on
So need to make sure that any MFTs are being assigned targets during the qtrly target setting.