This study aims to analyze and to explain: (1) the five principles of a learning organization (2) The implementation of a
learning organization, (3) the relevant approach strategy in getting the principles of a learning organization that is implemented
in the Installation Cardiac Centre Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Central Hospital Makassar. The study was conducted by using
a qualitative method with a case study approach. The data collection was employed by means of interviews, documentation,
and direct observation. The data analysis techniques that were used covered with data reduction, data presentation,
stand-in drawing conclusions and verification, data collection and final conclusion, which was a cycle process or interactive
process. To validate the data, the researchers used technique of triangulation technique. The findings of this study revealed
that the application of the principles of a learning organization that had been implemented in Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo
Central Hospital Makassar, such as Personal Master, Mental Models, Shared Vision, Team Learning, Systems Thinking, has
not run optimally in order to develop an effective and efficient organization. The Spiritual and Cultural approach remained as
the appropriate strategic approach to create a learning organization. Furthermore, the development of a learning organization
is an ideal form in the information age because globalization is getting stronger, the higher competition. The increasingly
rapid environmental changes force the organizations to be able to learn and adapt to a changing environment and make new
innovations for the continuation of Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Central Hospital Makassar