To respected Shreeram sir I am trying to make this group interactive , everybody wants presentaion and post here but nobody want to contribute .... sharing knowldge is combine effort kindly try to eradicate this lame World of lame EXcuse " Lack Of Time " once upon I was in army and some water problem I did't shave Brigadier was looking at me in OT my face was hidden with mask ...after surgery he asked me in front of 10 commisisoning officer why u dont have shave Today i was so co0nfused and lied lack of time busy bla bla He ask me about my shedule from waking to sleep and shown me comaprision with his own shedule ....he was PT excersise incharge who wake up 4 oclock and join PT ground on 4:30 , after that he attend Pt in lunch break in mess as he had some other charges too so before lunch he used to read written complints like ---- mess own is out of work , some animation are lacking proper audition , some of solidiers was not doimg well .... he was very fast rinunner and i had once competetion with him in running When i was about to win he over tke me with smiling face that Captain people lagging behind u can be much powerfull at that time i was not able to speaak but her jus gentlyt over take me with a agentle smile no seat nothing after that he called me and told captain one lesson for u ppl who say that they are lacking time are most worst ppl and don't derrve to be called as soldier or doctor this is big lame fucking excuse I was irritated and thought that he is just6 boasting ...and he read my body langunage and call me to him room where he shown me his leg .... there was no natural leg below knee all was atrificial i was shocked he told me one thing never ever talk to a person who say he is lacking of time caz he lag me in all aspect he was 40+ and i was 20+ at that time he said time is never an excuse cause clock is round not square if once a person make this lame excuse then he will make throught out his/her life My excuse was not able to shave he asked in room I said truth sir there was water but after Pt and all i got too much late that i ignore to shave ...he said me why did't u came with a peiece of broken glass and in MI room washroom why didi't u tried to shave ? i said sir i donnoo he said beta there r so amny things which u have to learn .. he was great and died in a car accident with his two son one was in army another in navy her family only her wife is there