The most efficient mycorrhizal fungus in increasing shoot biomass were A. trappei and P. occultum yielding 0.61 and 0.51 g shoot dry weight respectively while control non-inoculated plants yielded 0.14 g. These fungal inocul promoted increases in plant growth of 336% (A.t) and 264% (P.o). Single Bt increased shoot growth by 21% and B. thuringiensis associated with S. constrictum, G. versiforme or the mixture of native fungi improved the effective- ness of these fungi in enhancing shoot growth by 12.8% (S.c), 27.3% (G.v) and 22.9% the fungal mixture (Fig.1A). However, the opposite effect was observed when B. thuringiensis was associated to D. aunantia .