As the planet away from the Sun is the third by a large stone, planets in the solar system, and is the only terrestrial planet, the only modern science has confirmed that there are creatures living planet Earth its about 4570 million years before and after it. The Moon is only one moon, one of the world's stars, Steiner was considered as spherical creatures that cross pokrong pran NHA Phu Mika today, it is the human being.
The shape.
The world has a cylindrical shape flat polar. It means that there is a cylinder, but all the flat little pole and Equator-side. Around the world, about 40000 km in length with a diameter of about 700 kilometers, 12. The highest point on Earth, is he woeret, one is HIV 8, 848 m from sea level best points, the deepest in the world, is the deep groove of the ocean bottom, Mariana. 10 deep, meaning it is 911 meters from sea level, because the world looks translucent Design Center is a formula to make the Centre a point away from the center of the world, he. Bora domestic solutions Eve tasting d'Or
The structure.
Crust (crust).
Is the outermost of the world with approximately 6-35 km thick, one thin layer is considered as the most compared to other virtual layer chicken or onion Peel khai Peel crust contains land and water, one part thin crust was the crust beneath the thick crust of the Ocean part as possible the continent tue crust that is the highest located mountain range with, so the crust is divided into 2 layers.
• One layer Stone floor, Al (sial), a Cheyenne crust on the top floor contains the mineral silica and alumina is a type of granite artistry. On the surface of this stone layer sedimentary stones This xylene Al only the crust is the only continent that located in the crust under parts of the sea and the ocean, this is not rock layers.
• Two layer stones are level saima (sima) under the stone floor, Saigon, Al to. Most of the stone castle son consists of iron oxide and silica mineral, magnesium. Stones recycle came wrapped across the surface of the Earth hum in the sea and the ocean, meaning different from sedimentary recycle Al covered only the continents. And also the density is greater than the stones recycle Al.
Man everything (mantle, Earth'mantle.)
Is the floor, away from the crust into it. There are some 3000 kilometers of density of molten rock is called Magma (magma), man has a very high heat, everything, because the magma temperature 800-4300 degrees Celsius. Meaning it consists of rocks, mostly like rock-akni. Al-Ta basic Domain Services page for a list of stones.
Naughty world (core)
The average density of the Earth is 5515 kg/star-M3. It is the dense planet in the solar system, but if the measure of the average density of the surface world only 3000 kg/m3 only, one concluded that the cause is so dense that it is in the traditional world of sure nok certainly. During the emergence of the world. About 4.5 billion years ago, the melting can cause matter flow with density more into the kaenklang of the world. While the dense matter less than the crust control exists. One makes a naughty world with elements iron 80% including Nickels, and minerals that are lighter weight, but at the time the matter is dense, such as Pb and u re Union that contained less than the lighter elements are merged into. And to make matter they fixed on the crust. Organising the world divided into two layers:
• Organising a world leading (outer core). Thickness from the surface of Earth is approximately 2900-5, 000 km. Contains iron and nickels in a meltdown and have high heat. There is a temperature of approximately 6200-6, 400 with relative density and this section 12.0 with a status of failed.
• Organising world class (inner core) is located in the center of the world, there are approximately 1 radial fitting, 0 km. There is a temperature of approximately 4300-6, 200, and there is tremendous pressure. This part of the State, there is a solid composed of iron and the Nickels in a solid. Relative density is 17.0.
ผลลัพธ์ (ภาษาอังกฤษ) 2:
A planet away from the sun is the number three. It is a rocky planet in the solar system's largest. And is only one planet that modern science has confirmed that there are creatures living around the Earth. 4570 million years ago, and it was not long before the moon moons only one in the world was born as creatures made landscape Saranya that cross the world today is human shapes world shaped. แe barrel on pole Means a cylindrical, polar, but a little flat. And clear out the equator The length of 40,000 kilometers in diameter around the world. 12,700 kilometers The highest point on Earth is. Mount Everest Foundation. The height 8848 meters above sea level, the deepest point in the world is the Mariana Trench. This is deep 10 911 meters below sea level because the world looks clear out the middle is the zero formula makes the point that far from the center of the Earth is Chimborazo in El Salvador structural crust (crust) is the outermost layer. The world has a thickness of about 6-35 kilometers, which is the thinnest layer compared to other floors as shell eggs, chicken or peel the onion crust consists of land and water plate tectonics, which is the thinnest crust under the ocean crust. The thickest crust Agostino accepted continent with the highest mountains in the Earth's crust is divided into sweatshops. The second floor • First floor. Floor Sial (sial) is a crust on the top floor. Mineral silica and alumina battered granite one. For the surface of this layer is sedimentary rock layers. Syed Al is the only continental crust is only part of the pipeline under the sea crust and oceans will no stone floor • Second floor. Shale Masai (sima) is a sedimentary rock layers beneath the site up to. Sonny Chiba mostly rock contains the mineral silica. Iron and magnesium Masai share the stratigraphy wrap around the earth in the seas and oceans, which is different from the sedimentary rock at al-covered portion of the continent. There is a dense layer Sial mantle (mantle, Earth'mantle) is the distance from the Earth's crust down to the floor. Some 3000 kilometers with the density of molten rock is called. Magma (magma) makes mantle magma is very hot because the temperature. 800-4300 degrees Celsius Consisting mostly of igneous rock, Alta Basic Perry Stone Studio Lite axis. (Core) average density of the Earth is 5515 kg / m, making it the densest planet in the Solar. But if measured average density of the Earth's surface is only 3,000 kg / Remove. M., Which resulted in the conclusion that there are other objects that produce dense than the core course. During the rise of the Earth about 4.5 billion years ago, the melting could cause a material with a density greater than flow into the Earth's core. While the material is less dense than Earth's crust control. Scent the Earth's core is composed of iron, 80% of the total nickel and minerals with lighter. But while the matter is more dense. Such as lead and uranium, which is less than it was merged into lighter elements. Substances and those still on earth. Earth's core is divided 2 layers: • outer core (outer core) with a thickness from the surface around. 2900-5000 kilometers Composed of iron and nickel in the molten state. And a heat source Temperatures around 6200-6400 is the relative density of 12.0 and a liquid • inner core (inner core) is the heart of the world fitted with a halo around. 1000 km Temperatures around 4300-6200 and enormous pressure To make this a solid. Composed of iron and nickel in the solid state. Bulk density is 17.0
As the planet away from the Sun is the third by a large stone, planets in the solar system, and is the only terrestrial planet, the only modern science has confirmed that there are creatures living planet Earth its about 4570 million years before and after it. The Moon is only one moon, one of the world's stars, Steiner was considered as spherical creatures that cross pokrong pran NHA Phu Mika today, it is the human being.The shape. The world has a cylindrical shape flat polar. It means that there is a cylinder, but all the flat little pole and Equator-side. Around the world, about 40000 km in length with a diameter of about 700 kilometers, 12. The highest point on Earth, is he woeret, one is HIV 8, 848 m from sea level best points, the deepest in the world, is the deep groove of the ocean bottom, Mariana. 10 deep, meaning it is 911 meters from sea level, because the world looks translucent Design Center is a formula to make the Centre a point away from the center of the world, he. Bora domestic solutions Eve tasting d'OrThe structure. Crust (crust).Is the outermost of the world with approximately 6-35 km thick, one thin layer is considered as the most compared to other virtual layer chicken or onion Peel khai Peel crust contains land and water, one part thin crust was the crust beneath the thick crust of the Ocean part as possible the continent tue crust that is the highest located mountain range with, so the crust is divided into 2 layers.•หนึ่งชั้นหินชั้น อัล (sial), ไซแอนน์เปลือกโลกชั้นบนสุดประกอบด้วยซิลิกาแร่ และอลูมินาเป็นศิลปะหินแกรนิต บนพื้นผิวของ หินชั้นหินตะกอนนี้ไซอัลเฉพาะเปลือกเป็นทวีปเดียวที่อยู่ในเปลือกโลกภายใต้ส่วนของทะเลและมหาสมุทร นี่ไม่ใช่ชั้นหิน•สองชั้นหินระดับ saima (สีมา) ภายใต้หินพื้น ไซง่อน อัลเพื่อ สนปราสาทหินส่วนใหญ่ประกอบด้วยเหล็กออกไซด์ และแร่ซิลิก้า แมกนีเซียม หินรีไซเคิลมาตัดในพื้นผิวของครวญดินในทะเล และมหาสมุทร ความหมายแตกต่างจากตะกอนไซอัลครอบคลุมเฉพาะทวีป และนอกจากนี้ ความหนาแน่นมากกว่าหินไซอัลคนทุกอย่าง (หิ้ง Earth'mantle) ชั้น จากเปลือกโลกลงไปได้ มีกิโลเมตรบาง 3000 ความหนาแน่นของหินหลอมละลายเรียกว่าหินหนืด (หินหนืด) คนที่มีความสูงมากความร้อน ทุกอย่าง เนื่องจากหินหนืดอุณหภูมิ 800-4300 องศาเซลเซียส หมายความว่า มันประกอบด้วยหิน ส่วนใหญ่เช่นหิน akni อัลตาเพจพื้นฐานบริการโดเมนสำหรับหินแก่นโลก (core) The average density of the Earth is 5515 kg/star-M3. It is the dense planet in the solar system, but if the measure of the average density of the surface world only 3000 kg/m3 only, one concluded that the cause is so dense that it is in the traditional world of sure nok certainly. During the emergence of the world. About 4.5 billion years ago, the melting can cause matter flow with density more into the kaenklang of the world. While the dense matter less than the crust control exists. One makes a naughty world with elements iron 80% including Nickels, and minerals that are lighter weight, but at the time the matter is dense, such as Pb and u re Union that contained less than the lighter elements are merged into. And to make matter they fixed on the crust. Organising the world divided into two layers:• Organising a world leading (outer core). Thickness from the surface of Earth is approximately 2900-5, 000 km. Contains iron and nickels in a meltdown and have high heat. There is a temperature of approximately 6200-6, 400 with relative density and this section 12.0 with a status of failed.• Organising world class (inner core) is located in the center of the world, there are approximately 1 radial fitting, 0 km. There is a temperature of approximately 4300-6, 200, and there is tremendous pressure. This part of the State, there is a solid composed of iron and the Nickels in a solid. Relative density is 17.0.ผลลัพธ์ (ภาษาอังกฤษ) 2:A planet away from the sun is the number three. It is a rocky planet in the solar system's largest. And is only one planet that modern science has confirmed that there are creatures living around the Earth. 4570 million years ago, and it was not long before the moon moons only one in the world was born as creatures made landscape Saranya that cross the world today is human shapes world shaped. แe barrel on pole Means a cylindrical, polar, but a little flat. And clear out the equator The length of 40,000 kilometers in diameter around the world. 12,700 kilometers The highest point on Earth is. Mount Everest Foundation. The height 8848 meters above sea level, the deepest point in the world is the Mariana Trench. This is deep 10 911 meters below sea level because the world looks clear out the middle is the zero formula makes the point that far from the center of the Earth is Chimborazo in El Salvador structural crust (crust) is the outermost layer. The world has a thickness of about 6-35 kilometers, which is the thinnest layer compared to other floors as shell eggs, chicken or peel the onion crust consists of land and water plate tectonics, which is the thinnest crust under the ocean crust. The thickest crust Agostino accepted continent with the highest mountains in the Earth's crust is divided into sweatshops. The second floor • First floor. Floor Sial (sial) is a crust on the top floor. Mineral silica and alumina battered granite one. For the surface of this layer is sedimentary rock layers. Syed Al is the only continental crust is only part of the pipeline under the sea crust and oceans will no stone floor • Second floor. Shale Masai (sima) is a sedimentary rock layers beneath the site up to. Sonny Chiba mostly rock contains the mineral silica. Iron and magnesium Masai share the stratigraphy wrap around the earth in the seas and oceans, which is different from the sedimentary rock at al-covered portion of the continent. There is a dense layer Sial mantle (mantle, Earth'mantle) is the distance from the Earth's crust down to the floor. Some 3000 kilometers with the density of molten rock is called. Magma (magma) makes mantle magma is very hot because the temperature. 800-4300 degrees Celsius Consisting mostly of igneous rock, Alta Basic Perry Stone Studio Lite axis. (Core) average density of the Earth is 5515 kg / m, making it the densest planet in the Solar. But if measured average density of the Earth's surface is only 3,000 kg / Remove. M., Which resulted in the conclusion that there are other objects that produce dense than the core course. During the rise of the Earth about 4.5 billion years ago, the melting could cause a material with a density greater than flow into the Earth's core. While the material is less dense than Earth's crust control. Scent the Earth's core is composed of iron, 80% of the total nickel and minerals with lighter. But while the matter is more dense. Such as lead and uranium, which is less than it was merged into lighter elements. Substances and those still on earth. Earth's core is divided 2 layers: • outer core (outer core) with a thickness from the surface around. 2900-5000 kilometers Composed of iron and nickel in the molten state. And a heat source Temperatures around 6200-6400 is the relative density of 12.0 and a liquid • inner core (inner core) is the heart of the world fitted with a halo around. 1000 km Temperatures around 4300-6200 and enormous pressure To make this a solid. Composed of iron and nickel in the solid state. Bulk density is 17.0
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