. Brief I ntroduction of Texas Hold’em Poker
The game of Texas Hold’em Poker originated in the U.S.
State of Texas, which is the most popular poker in Europe and
the United States. Its biggest characteristic is easy to learn but
difficult to master. Up to now, Texas Hold’em Poker has about
100 million faithful gamers around the world as well as a
history of hundreds of years.
Texas Hold’em Poker can be played by between two and
ten players at a time. Firstly, each player is dealt two cards face
down – these are referred to as the hole or pocket cards – and
players then can decide whether they wish to bet and enter the
pot, or instead to fold the cards In the second, three
communal or community cards called the flop are dealt face up
in the middle of the table, and there then follows a second
round of betting in which each player may again decide
whether to stay in or fold. A 4th communal card called the turn
is dealt face up, and there is another round of betting. The 5th
and final communal card called the river is dealt, once again
face up. Finally, there is a last round of betting, and if two or
more players stay in the pot, their hands are now shown. The
player in possession of the highest ranking hand takes the
entire pot [1].
. Brief I ntroduction of Texas Hold’em PokerThe game of Texas Hold’em Poker originated in the U.S.State of Texas, which is the most popular poker in Europe andthe United States. Its biggest characteristic is easy to learn butdifficult to master. Up to now, Texas Hold’em Poker has about100 million faithful gamers around the world as well as ahistory of hundreds of years.Texas Hold’em Poker can be played by between two andten players at a time. Firstly, each player is dealt two cards facedown – these are referred to as the hole or pocket cards – andplayers then can decide whether they wish to bet and enter thepot, or instead to fold the cards In the second, threecommunal or community cards called the flop are dealt face upin the middle of the table, and there then follows a secondround of betting in which each player may again decidewhether to stay in or fold. A 4th communal card called the turnis dealt face up, and there is another round of betting. The 5thand final communal card called the river is dealt, once againface up. Finally, there is a last round of betting, and if two ormore players stay in the pot, their hands are now shown. Theplayer in possession of the highest ranking hand takes theentire pot [1].
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