I am considering the Natural Resources major for various reasons. Since I was a child, I have been
fascinated by the world around me. When I traveled to South Africa and Australia, the conservation efforts
of these two countries interested me and I knew that I wanted to do something related to the environment.
The summer of my junior year, I attended an environmental program at Stockton College. I learned about
the problems facing migratory birds and how terrapin populations were dwindling because of human
interaction. During this time, I confirmed my desire to protect the environment and find a way to balance
the interaction between natural and urban ecosystems. I took a natural resources class my first semester at
Cornell to see if this major was right for me. We learned about the deer problems in New York and various
other situations such as the effects of dwindling numbers of horseshoe crabs on migratory birds and the
tragedy of the commons. With all the problems, we analyzed various solutions and how the public reacted