The Mundell–Fleming model takes the world interest rate r* as an exogenous variable. However, there is no reason to expect the world interest rate to be constant. In the closed-economy model of Chapter 3, the equilibrium of saving and investment determines the real interest rate. In an open economy in the long run, the world real interest rate is the rate that equilibrates world saving and world investment demand. Anything that reduces world saving or increases world investment demand increases the world interest rate. In addition, in the short run with fixed prices, anything that increases the worldwide demand for goods or reduces the worldwide supply of money causes the world interest rate to rate r* as an exogenous variable. However, there is no reason to expect the world interest rate to be constant. In the closed-economy model of Chapter 3, the equilibrium of saving and investment determines the real interest rate. In an open economy in the long run, the world real interest rate is the rate that equilibrates world saving and world investment demand. Anything that reduces world saving or increases world investment demand increases the world interest rate. In addition, in the short run with fixed prices, anything that increases the worldwide demand for goods or reduces the worldwide supply of money causes the world interest rate to rise.