2.3. Meat quality assessment
Twenty-four hours post-slaughter the longissimus lumborum muscle
(loin)was removed fromthe right side of each pig carcass. Colour (L*, a*
and b*) was measured with a Minolta Chromameter CR-400 (Minolta,
Osaka, Japan) using D65 lighting, a 2° standard observer, and an 8-mm
aperture in the measuring head, standardised to a white tile after a
bloom time of 30 min. L* values correspond to lightness, a* values to
redness and b* values to yellowness in the three-dimensionalHunterLab
colour space. Drip loss on the loin chops was measured using the
suspension method (Honikel, 1998). The loin muscle was cut to a 40 g
strip (40 × 10 × 80 mm). The strip was weighed then hung in a plastic
zip lock bag and placed in a temperature controlled cabinet at 2 °C for
24 h. Excess moisturewas then lightly removed fromthe muscle surface
and samples were re-weighed. Drip loss was calculated and the weight
loss was expressed as a percentage of initial weight. The loin muscle
samples for collagen content analysis were vacuum packed and stored
at −20 °C until ready for use. Meanwhile, loin muscle samples for texture
analysis were vacuum packed and left to age for five days at 4 °C.
Following ageing, the muscle samples were stored at −20 °C until
ready for use.
2.3. Meat quality assessment
Twenty-four hours post-slaughter the longissimus lumborum muscle
(loin)was removed fromthe right side of each pig carcass. Colour (L*, a*
and b*) was measured with a Minolta Chromameter CR-400 (Minolta,
Osaka, Japan) using D65 lighting, a 2° standard observer, and an 8-mm
aperture in the measuring head, standardised to a white tile after a
bloom time of 30 min. L* values correspond to lightness, a* values to
redness and b* values to yellowness in the three-dimensionalHunterLab
colour space. Drip loss on the loin chops was measured using the
suspension method (Honikel, 1998). The loin muscle was cut to a 40 g
strip (40 × 10 × 80 mm). The strip was weighed then hung in a plastic
zip lock bag and placed in a temperature controlled cabinet at 2 °C for
24 h. Excess moisturewas then lightly removed fromthe muscle surface
and samples were re-weighed. Drip loss was calculated and the weight
loss was expressed as a percentage of initial weight. The loin muscle
samples for collagen content analysis were vacuum packed and stored
at −20 °C until ready for use. Meanwhile, loin muscle samples for texture
analysis were vacuum packed and left to age for five days at 4 °C.
Following ageing, the muscle samples were stored at −20 °C until
ready for use.
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