To detemline the utility of markers for predicting heterosis or hybrid vigor, the
relationship of SSR heterozygosity and heterotic potential was studied for eight traits in
48 rice hybrids derived from 5 CMS and 10 male parents. Based on 43 microsatellite
loci, the CMS and male parents clustered into 2 and 8 groups. respectively, at 75%
level of genetic similarity. Microsatellite heterozygosity (based on all the mark~rs
used) and heterotic performance were signincantly correlated for the number of tillers
per plant and LA! when all 1'1 's were used in the analysis. Signilicant corrdation were observed for maturity and number of tillers per plant between SSR polymorphism and
heterosis relative to the male parent when only hybrids with positive heterosis for each
trait were analyzed. Significant negative correlations were observed betwet'n
heterozygosity and heterosis for maturity, harvest index, and grain yield, relative to the
check varieties. Correlations for other traits were insignificant The relationship of
molecular marker heterozygosity and heterosis. therefore, appears to be complex and
could vary with the traits and germplasm studied.