Assessment and Interview
Entry points to the School are Year 7 (as a day boy or full or weekly boarder), Year 5 (usually
as a day boy) and Kindergarten. Casual vacancies can occur in intervening Year groups and
families are encouraged to register and discuss potential vacancies with the School.
The School recognises that families appreciate the opportunity to assess the suitability of various entry points as boys grow and develop, and does not demand enrolment at birth to ensure a place. All students will be assessed in the nine to twenty-four months before anticipated commencement.
Year 7 applicants attend an interview with the Registrar twelve to twenty-four months prior to anticipated commencement and are then able to present National Testing results and recent School Reports. This interview can also serve as a confirmatory and pre-orientation opportunity for a short tour of the School.
Year 8 to 11 applications for boarding or day places are a similar individualised process, as these registrations are dependent on availability of places.
International Student applications may be initially assessed by a number of School Counsellors based in cities such as Beijing, Bangkok, Honk Kong and Dubai. The School is also a founding member of the Australian Boarding Schools’ International and this organisation and its Agents can assist with registration and orientation.
Preparatory School applicants are assessed by the Head of the Preparatory School or the Director of Students.
Kindergarten applicants are invited, with their parents, to attend interview and profiling nine months before anticipated commencement.
Years 5 to 11 applicants may be assessed using tests administered by EduTest ( One-on-one interviews are conducted with Kindergarten to Year 2 applicants. For older Year entry, assessment is supplemented by interview and evidence of co-curricular, sporting or leadership potential.
Based on the process outlined above, an Offer of a Place to attend the School may be made. Such an offer will nominate year and level of entry and whether the place is as a day student or boarder. Boarding places cannot be transferred to day. If parents decide to accept the offered place on their son's behalf, a signed acceptance form (both parents and/or guardian need to sign an acceptance form, as this becomes the binding contract between the School and families) and the nominated fee (at present AUD$3600) will be acknowledged, with a place confirmed. The School provides a detailed Handbook for students commencing, and will arrange an interview for Senior School students with the Director of Studies to confirm subject choices.
International Students should be aware that an Appointment & Obligations of Guardians Form (.PDF, 158KB) is available for downloading and MUST be submitted once an Offer of a Place is accepted and before a student can commence at the School.