The majority of the policy interventions and partnerships required to achieve low-carbon mobility in the air transport cluster involve multi-lateral and/or global policy innovation and technology application to supplement and/or steer national measures, including global regime formation; standard setting, regulations and price signals; incentive schemes and collaborative R&D; harmonized certification and labeling; best-practice sharing; and the education of decision-markets. A particular responsibility rests with the UN system and industry associations to coordinate efforts between governments and within industry. A key challenge is to break out of historical institutional and regulatory silos. Of course, there are critical contributions to be made by national governments. However, given the transnational nature of the aviation industry, the imperative of avoiding carbon leakage and of ensuring a fair and equitable dispensation in global geopolitical terms, and the requirements of global demand creation to achieve economies of scale, the rules of the game must ideally be established globally.