Notably, diabetic patients with a long-established diagnosis of the disease reported they viewed their knowledge in DM as satisfactory and they did not actively seek information. That could indicate either a truly satisfactory level of information about DM in long term diabetic patients or, possibly, a misconception by the patients themselves that erroneously judge their level and quality of DM-related information as higher than it objectively is. Additionally, these patients stated their disinterest in seeking new information and this could translate into a relative unreceptiveness to an information campaign in a real life context. These data are in contrast to the findings of the study by Longo et al. [11], where many participants, even years after diabetes was diagnosed, expressed the need for periodic reeducation as they realized how much there is to learn, encountered confusing or conflicting information, or discovered that information changes over time. Differences in socioeconomic and cultural status between the participants of that and the current study could explain this disparity.