The objective of this project was to develop
a theory- and evidence-based adolescent smoking
cessation intervention using both new and
existing materials. We used the Intervention
Mapping framework for planning health
promotion programmes. Based on a needs assessment,
we identified important and changeable
determinants of cessation behaviour,
specified change objectives for the intervention
programme, selected theoretical change methods
for accomplishing intervention objectives
and finally operationalized change methods into
practical intervention strategies. We found that
guided practice, modelling, self-monitoring,
coping planning, consciousness raising, dramatic
relief and decisional balance were suitable
methods for adolescent smoking
cessation. We selected behavioural journalism,
guided practice and Motivational Interviewing
as strategies in our intervention. Intervention
Mapping helped us to develop as systematic adolescent
smoking cessation intervention with
a clear link between behavioural goals, theoretical
methods, practical strategies and materials
and with a strong focus on implementation and
recruitment. This paper does not present evaluation
The objective of this project was to developa theory- and evidence-based adolescent smokingcessation intervention using both new andexisting materials. We used the InterventionMapping framework for planning healthpromotion programmes. Based on a needs assessment,we identified important and changeabledeterminants of cessation behaviour,specified change objectives for the interventionprogramme, selected theoretical change methodsfor accomplishing intervention objectivesand finally operationalized change methods intopractical intervention strategies. We found thatguided practice, modelling, self-monitoring,coping planning, consciousness raising, dramaticrelief and decisional balance were suitablemethods for adolescent smokingcessation. We selected behavioural journalism,guided practice and Motivational Interviewingas strategies in our intervention. InterventionMapping helped us to develop as systematic adolescentsmoking cessation intervention witha clear link between behavioural goals, theoreticalmethods, practical strategies and materialsand with a strong focus on implementation andrecruitment. This paper does not present evaluationdata.
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