The significant differences between the pre-and post-campaign surveys in Butte included a doubling of awareness of the Butte family planning clinic as a place to go to for information, from 21% in the pre-test to 40% in the post-test. Attitudes about responsibility for birth control also changed between the pre-test and post-test surveys in a statistically significant way. More people agreed or agreed more strongly with the statements “Men should take responsibility for birth control during sex" and "Women should take responsibility for birth control during sex.“ Because one of the radio ads discusses the benefits of the birth control pill, the survey also tested knowledge about the pill.
Although respondents were not better able to name benefits of the pill in the post-test, fewer people stated that the pill had no good effects (pre=11%, post=1%).
The post-test survey also asked respondents about their exposure to the social marketing campaign. Overall, 51% of the respondents reported that they had seen or heard at least one element of the campaign. Of those who reported exposure to campaign materials in the post-campaign survey, 79% said it made them think about the message, 29% talked about the ads with friends or family, 18% discussed the ads with their partner and 11% used birth control more often because of the campaign. On the less encouraging side, nobody reported calling the phone number featured in the materials and the clinic's records did not show a noticeable change in the number of clinic visits during the period in which the campaign was implemented.
Planned Parenthood has a toll-free number that automatically routes callers to the affiliate clinic nearest them; this was the phone number the campaign promoted in Salt Lake City. The Salt Lake City clinics provided phone records showing the numbers of incoming calls to them each month.During the two months of the campaign, the clinics experienced a 72% increase in the number of calls received to the toll-free number. The number of calls declined after the campaign ended. When compared to the same months in previous years, the increase did not appear to be related to seasonal patterns. There was not, however, a noticeable change in the number of clinic visits during the period in which the campaign was implemented. Although the campaign appears to have spurred the adoption of desirable behaviors in Butte, as well as an increase in phone calls to the Salt Lake