The cloud retention in litchi juice was significantly
improved by addition of SA. Increase in concentration of
SA until 0.3% led to an improvement in cloud retention.
The control sample (where no hydrocolloid was added)
showed a high degree of sedimentation (Fig. 1b). The cloud
stabilizing effect of SA could be attributed to the strong
water binding characteristics of the hydrocolloid which
forms a hydrate shell around the cloud particles that adjusts
the density of the cloud particles with the serum (Corredig
et al. 2001). Increase in concentration of SA above 0.3% led
to settlement of cloud. It has been reported that incorporation
of hydrocolloids at higher concentrations leads to a
higher electrolyte concentration, resulting in salting out of
the hydrocolloid (Weiser 1958). On the basis of the above
results, we decided to use 0.2% SA for the evaluation