Gronroos’ (1990) Perceived Quality Service Model is a helpful tool to understand factors that affect customer perceived quality in a company’s service. The expected quality is directly influenced by the methods of marketing total tourism experience within an enterprise, the image created for a tourism product, the influence of the “word-of-mouth” advertisement and the customer requirements and needs. Key questions for establishing an image are: what kind of services have been provided? How these services were delivered to guests? If the experienced quality is equal to the expected one, then total perceived quality has been managed holistically in the most successful way.
The five gap model. Parasuraman
The five gap model. Parasuraman, Zeithaml & Berry’s (1994) Quality Service Model is a helpful instrument to define the objectives of quality management. It is basically customer-oriented and it helps to explain the co-service process.
According to this model, consumers’ quality assessment will be influenced by a series of five distinct “gaps” in this co-service process
Quality Management Systems must attempt to close the five gaps in the model and to improve the quality of service as experienced by means of comparison between expected and perceived quality after the customer has received the service.