Three treatments were applied to 20 plants each. The treatments were as follows: plants mulched with bark pre-inoculated with T. atroviride SC1 and A. gallica-infected pieces of wood, plants mulched with sterile bark and A. gallica-infected pieces of wood and plants mulched with sterile bark (untreated control). Plants were arranged in a randomized complete block design, with four blocks of five plants per treatment. A. gallica infection of strawberry plantswas evaluated 3 months after inoculation and the percentage of infected plants (incidence) was calculated for each
treatment. Plant vigor, withering of leaves, plant death and the presence of white fan leaf mycelia and rhizomorphs inside and around the rotted roots and crowns were noted. At the end of the experiment, the bark samples used as mulch were collected, ground and cultured on selective media as previously described to evaluate the viability of T. atroviride SC1.