– CONTROL-OUTER (fruit outside the canopy, without hail net);
– CONTROL-INNER (fruit inside the canopy, without hail net);
– CONTROL-TOP (fruit from the canopy top, without hail net);
– HAILNET-OUTER (fruit outside the canopy, under hail net);
– HAILNET-INNER (fruit inside the canopy, under hail net); and
– HAILNET-TOP (fruit from the canopy top, under hail net);
There were no significant differences in crop load among individual trees or treatments. At harvest time, thirty marked fruit were picked up and used for chemical analyses.
2.2. Light measurement
During the experiment, the photosynthetic active radiation(PAR) was measured on a sunny day (mmol m2 s1) using an LI-190 quantum sensor (LI-COR, Nebraska, USA). On each tree, PAR was measured on the lower (downward oriented) portion of the marked fruit every week during ripening, what means fifteen times per each treatment. On the last sampling date (at harvest), these radiation measurements were not carried out because of cloudy