As I mentioned yesterday, we have begun to let people know of proposed organisation structures. This affects people in our head office and global teams in IS, HR, strategy, finance and legal, and the procurement team in the office of the Chief Financial Officer.
Our priority has been to advise our people in these teams first. With our global business, this can take a full day given time zones.
I appreciate this is a stressful and unsettling time for everyone, and I want to let you all know that we have not approached this lightly and the proposals are not a reflection on those of our colleagues potentially affected.
In order to stay ahead in an increasingly volatile environment, we owe it to our farmers, our unit holders and ourselves to remain focused on continually improving the way we deliver performance. This means it’s simply not an option to stay the way we are. To become a leaner, more adaptable Co-operative, we have to make tough decisions so we can act faster and be more accountable for delivering results.
I firmly believe that the hard decisions we take now will not only deliver results, they will make our Co-op a better place to work. A place where everyone feels empowered to pursue great ideas, that fosters collaboration and recognises achievement. And importantly a place where we can all walk through the office or site doors in the morning and truly make a difference.
I have recorded a short video to help bring to life why we need to change and how it will make us stronger and put us on track to achieve our ambition.
In early August we’ll begin a further round of communication and consultation with people in other areas of the Co-operative. We’ll confirm those areas of our business involved in coming weeks. As we continue to identify how we can improve our performance for the long term, there may be further proposed changes to other parts of our business too.
It’s natural that you will want to know how many roles could be affected, but we won’t know this until the process is complete. As soon as we know the final impact on our business structures, you’ll be the first to know.
We have accomplished so much in the last few years and in doing so learnt that through difficult times we gain new strengths. Change is never easy and we are doing all we can to do it in the right way, and to ensure it achieves the results we need for Fonterra to become a stronger Co-op. It’s important now, more than ever, that we support everyone in our Fonterra family during this time, and our employee assistance programme is freely available should you need it.