How could English impact to the tourism students for working in the Hotel Industry?
English impact to working in tourism and hotel industry, because English language has important for communication. When you work, you have to meet many people from many country. You will see many different language other than you own. English is one of Lingua franca that define be a language that is used among people who speak various different languages. You will use English language in communicate with another people or your foreign customer. You have to know to speak politely to a guest in English. You have to understand their requests and serve them accordingly. People who work in hotel industry and tourism industry have to know many people in your country and another country. In addition, English also has many important for working in another careers such as communicate for business, provide something to foreign visitor, look good for working, high chance for find good job, respond customer need, comfortable for communicate with another people that does not from your country.
Almost people use English language with foreign people, they use English for communicate with another for business, exchange culture, etc. If you have high skill about English language, you will have more chance for find good job more than another that did not know about English language. You can go out to another country and know another people that different culture. For tourism student, Tourism industry have to know different people all domestic and foreign country. You should know about different language for your career. This career will has communication with many people. When you know many language and you can speak out, it will be comfortable for communication and make your skill for the better. The English language has an important role. When you are not able to speak the local language, but the language of any neighbors want to communicate, you need to communicate with the English language. In English make the good image for worker. When other people see, they will feel that you are good work and look good, that you can communicate with every nation. And your work will be more comfortable, because of that, we have to meet people that multiple culture, it gives more idea to work with you, and also help you to grow in a career. English has become the language that has been used extensively world wide and open ideas. Workers can use the English language as well as to workers who have contact with other people of all languages, all formats, the chance that there will be progress in the work arising from the use of the English language. You therefore need to increase confidence in the use of English. In addition, Hotel industry also meet many people and need to use English language in communicate with customer. Nowadays, tourism and hotel industry are important for each country. Many people interest to invest this business. The traveler has to use service of tourism and hotel industry. And each country has many hotel and tourism industry that cause competitive for this industry. Every company have to make themselves to higher. In addition, other language has important too.
English has important for any career, If you have English skill, you will have chance more than another people who hasn’t this skill. And If you know many language that make you high for work. Many company will want you to work their company. The present, almost people like to travel, tourism and hotel industry will be popular. And they have more competitive. Tourism student have to meet many people in country and foreign country. They need to have language skill. It’s the same with hotel industry that they have to meet many people, they need to have the English skill to communicate with foreign visitors. This service may have to describe. these things are important for employees will have to explain to customer understand and not cause other problems. The preparation of the personnel working in hotels. Is extremely important to have the English skills to a level that can Communication contribute to the hotel was popular with foreigners are using the service more. Career service in the hotel there is a problem that needs to amend always. An employee can interact and help foreigners as well, it will provide hotel the trusted and recognized more. So, English is very important for service and communicate with other people. In addition, If you can speak English and other language, it will make you look good for work. Other people will think you are good for work. And you should to learn different culture in order to understand people that has different culture. When you know about their culture you will know what thing that you should not to do and should to do with visitor. It can make good respond from visitor, and they might come back to use your service again.