. Data Collection Process. Data were collected using a standardized Nordic questionnaire [11]. The questionnaire was translated from English into Amharic and then inde- pendently back-translated to English with adjustment of the Amharic version where problems were identified. The contents of the questionnaire included sociodemographic characteristics (sex, age, marital status, educational level, monthly salary, and years of service), personal factors (height and weight of participants were measured to calculate BMI, smoking behavior, habit of doing physical activity, medical history of systemic illness, and medical history of muscu- loskeletal disorder), organizational factors (payment method, work hours, employment status, break time excluding lunch, and health and safety training), and working environmental factors (job satisfaction, repetitive work within less than 30 seconds, doing too much work, availability of sufficient light, and availability of adjustable chair). At baseline, participants were asked about pains in the elbow/forearm and wrist/hand lasting for at least a day over the past 12 months and those who had reported pain at baseline over the past 12 months were determined.