reported 48.9 g/100 g carvacrol, 11.7 g/100 g p-cimene and 5.03 g/100 g thymol. Sujah (2006) observed important variations in the concentration of carvacrol (between 0 and 12 mg/kg), gamma-terpinene (0e13 mg/kg), linalyl-acetate (0e50 mg/kg), myrcene (0e50 mg/kg) and terpinen-4-ol (0e220 mg/kg). In rosemary essential oil, Sacchetti et al. (2005) reported 21.8 g/100 g verbe-none,14.6 g/100 g camphor,12.3 g/100 g bornyl acetate and 10.4 g/ 100 g borneol.