are ready guys walking back in in this video I want to start talking you guys.
about how to set up a cloud server.
and I want to do this because a cloud servers are becoming really popular.
in be whenever you're first starting to learn about networking and servers and.
how to set them up
its probably not a good idea to just go out and buy you know like a three.
hundred dollar server
start plugging things into it and you know you might miss something up so.
whenever you're just practicing
getting used the setting up a server it's always a good idea to get one of.
online and I you know just play around in there so that's what I'm gonna be.
enders bunch different companies that allowed to buy.
cloud servers Amazon is probably the most popular.
by I like this one dish or ocean it's really simple.
in they're incredibly cheap as well you can have a web server.
for an entire month for like five books so.
if you guys know any other coal companies then you know Sherman the.
comments below
but for now this is the 1i use whenever I'm for psych gum.
setting up our project so this is what you do.
where me fine assay log into is set up your account you know home.
have a username and password and then you can get a screen like this.
now indicia lotion they call their culture burst droplets.
so do not let that confuse or droplets a cloud server.
so I'll be with you views you know trying to set up a server and there's.
gimme raindrops well
it's the same thing so I'm going hit Creek droplet re: so the first option.
that we have to fill out
is a hostname for our droplet now just one point out that this is not.
the arm name other website you do not feel like WWW dot the New Boston are.
this is just a name that you are going to see in no one else.
just so if you have a bunch different droplets then you can identify I'm some.
disc unnamed this
holy caps lock droplets
01 so does not matter if your web sites you know.
be can not calm
YouTube dot com you can name is anything you are so know a lot people are like I.
know my domain name yet does not does not matter we'll set that up later.
so after this you're pretty much saying OK I want to build a cloud server.
with this configuration horn on of
freakin motorcycles driving by re: so sense this is a simple demonstration.
I was gonna go with the cheapest 15 bucks month less than a penny in our.
so 512 is the RAM has one CPU.
this the SS the is the hard drive and.
this down here a thousand gigabyte transfer that's the amount.
ban with that can go through my server a month so that's good for now I do not.
think I'm gonna be using more than that just for the store rules.
and after this select a region someone mowing the lawn.
someone really Mon your honor now assure.
shoes i sir film in sir peoples are driving by.
I'm on their lawns have in praise of from my house are so for now just select.
the one closest to your house I Love New York Sun discuss like New York.
begin nash's where you want the server.
to be set up now for the available settings.
I'm not gonna choose any this is can be really bare-bones project is.
demonstration after the image this is saying.
what you want pre-installed on your server.
whenever we set it up for you for the first time now for the distributions.
these are just the different operating systems the core.
operating systems that you can have now a boot to.
just the flavor 1x and right now I'm using Ubuntu version 14.
point 04 64-bit actually
wanna bump this down to 32-bit something be using.
a boon to 14.44 32-bit now the reason for this is because.
remember this is just a little test server in only hand.
as were like 512 yes 512
for am so I do not have that much memory in.
64-bit operating systems sum up the.
processes and services on there they consume quite a bit.
avram memory so yeah as my explanation behind that.
now for applications if you know they're.
are no maybe you're setting this up for some company and you know that they're.
developing their
Wesleyan no old or arm
like PHP if it's PHP then you wanna use lamp.
since rowindex Apache MySQL
in PHP but for now like I said.
I'm just gonna stick with the core basics and then we're gonna be setting.
everything up
manually so snapshots is if you took any steps as before.
my backups industry drop was t0 if you had droplets before.
anyone on you know make a copy of those are under.
but for right now that's good now.
whenever we connect were server rumor the servers inside her house.
it's somewhere in New York row in New York City so we have to connect to it.
we're going to be doing this.
through service coat ss H stands for Secure.
show now I highly recommend doing this instead love you know just traditional.
because it's a lot more secure so we can news you can set it up.
right now and I'm going to show you guys in next video have set up SSH.
but we can do is you can set it up in insure your keys on the talking to guys.
about what they are
but I actually had some trouble
doing it this way so instead I'm just gonna create a droplet right now.
and can be shown you guys had a set up the key later so.
yeah there you go it takes a couple seconds and.
it takes 60 seconds and then your servers setup.
and then after about five minutes you're gonna recede in email.
emails gonna have IP address on your server.
and also the login information so you can actually connect to it.
so once this is done setting up I'm gonna wait for the email.
and then once I receive thats or start the next video so see you then.