Step 4: Develop a Three-Year Outline
and a One-Year Action Plan
From the ideas and goals for partnerships collected from teachers, parents,
and students, the action team can develop a Three-Year Outline of the
specific steps that will help the school progress from its starting point on
each type of involvement to where it wants to be in three years. This plan
outlines how each subcommittee will work over three years to make
important, incremental advances to reach more families each year on each
type of involvement. The Three-Year Outline also shows how all school,
family, and community connections will be integrated into one coherent
program of partnerships linked to school improvement goals.
In addition to the Three-Year Outline of goals for family and community
involvement, a detailed One-Year Action Plan should be developed
every year. It should include the specific activities that will be implemented,
improved, or maintained for each type of involvement; a timeline
of monthly actions needed for each activity; identification of the subcommittee
chair who will be responsible either for each type of involvement or
for involvement to promote specific goals for student success; identification
of the teachers, parents, students, or others (not necessarily action
team members) who will assist with the implementation of each activity;
indicators of how the implementation and results of each major activity
will be assessed; and other details of importance to the action team.
The Three-Year Outline and detailed One-Year Action Plan are shared
with the school council and/or parent organization, with all teachers, and
with the parents and students. Even if the action team makes only one